
Out with the demon and in with fortune!

Setsubun(節分), the day before the calendrical beginning of spring, is one of the traditional events in Japan. The word “Setubun” comes form “dividing the season” originally.

On February 3rd, Setsubun, people scatter roasted beans in the house saying “鬼は外、福は内!/Oni-wa-Soto, Fuku-wa-Uchi! (Out with the demon and in with fortune!)” After scattering beans all over the house, people eat beans as the same numbers of their age. For instance, if you are 23 years old, you need to eat exactly 23 beans.

Beans are considered to have power for cleansing a person of evil influences. Therefore, people take powerful beans into their bodies and it means that beans will have fortune in their house.

Hey, it snowed today in Kanto area. This is my first time to see snow lie on this much here in Yokohama!

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