
Japan News This Week 24 March 2013


Japan News.North Korea Threatens U.S. Military Bases in Pacific

New York Times

Japan: The worst developed country for mothers?


Toyo Ito becomes sixth Japanese architect to win Pritzker Prize


Tepco snubs ¥10.5 billion cleanup tab

Japan Times

Fukushima Rescue Mission Lasting Legacy: Radioactive Contamination of Nearly 70,000 Americans 福島救援活動の永続する遺産—アメリカ人の被曝

Japan Focus

Two years after tsunami, Japan's small business owners stuck in limbo (+video)

Christian Science Monitor

Last Week's Japan News


Between January 1 and March 16, 2013, the Japanese press has devoted a lot of ink to the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) trade negotiations. The US press has all but ignored it.

Number of stories covering TPP by the Asahi Shinbun and the New York Times:

Asahi: 224
New York Times: 10

Source: Asahi Shinbun

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