
Japan News This Week 7 April 2013


Japan News.U.S. and Japan Agree on Returning Okinawa Land

New York Times

Brain scans can 'read our dreams' says study in Japan


Fukushima cooling system fails for second time in a month


Powerful storm dumps rain on much of nation

Japan Times

Ikeda Manabu, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and Disaster/Nuclear Art in Japan 池田学、2011年東日本大震災、そして災害と放射能に関する美術

Japan Focus

Could China and Japan see a spring thaw in relations?

Christian Science Monitor

Last Week's Japan News


Japanese Work Force

2010 = 82 million
2025 = 71m (-13%)
2040 – 58m (-30%)

Japanese Total Population

2010 = 127 million
2050 = 80m (-37%)

Japanese Aged Population

2010 – 11% of population is 75 or older
2025 – 22%+ will be 75 or older

Source: Business Insider

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